Pastor hallack greider
About Hallack
Born and raised in Seattle, Hallack became a Christian through the ministry of Young Life at Nathan Hale High School in Seattle. He graduated from the University of Washington with a business degree, but God had other plans. He moved to Berkeley, CA to work at a church for a year with university students. Entering Fuller Seminary in Pasadena, he met and married his wife Heidi in Sept. of 1989. They have three delightful children—Hannah (24) and Bekah (23) and Ben (18). Hallack spends his free time gardening, playing golf, reading, and generally playing outdoors, including triathlons—when not having a good time with his family.
Hallack has served as an installed pastor at 1st Presbyterian of Anchorage, Alaska (5 years), Lake City Presbyterian in Seattle (10 years) and have served as interim pastor at 4 churches in the Puget Sound region before being called to Maplewood Presbyterian. He enjoys doing transitional (interim) ministry, walking with congregations during a fruitful and growing time in their life together, listening for what God is calling them to be and do after the departure or retirement of their pastor.