Sunday service at 10:00AM
Our Sunday worship services offer a weekly message, a variety of music, and a time for sharing joys and concerns for prayer. We are relaxed and informal within a structured and liturgical flow as we give our praise to God and offer ourselves for service in the world.
Most Sundays, children and youth are released to Christian education classes (Sunday school for children from kindergarten age to grade 7; youth bible study for youth from grades 8 through 12). We celebrate communion on the first Sunday of each month, and children and youth remain in the sanctuary for communion so we can celebrate God’s love together.
Free childcare is available in the nursery for children ages 5 and under during worship service. Our nursery attendant has years of childcare experience; we required background checks of all individuals who work with the children in our congregation.
After worship each Sunday, those who wish gather for fellowship and refreshments in our social hall. Refreshments are donated and shared by Maplewood congregation volunteers.